Lapis Guides: More Than Just a Field Guide
With the recent development of information and communications technology (ICT) tools, citizen science has increased rapidly in popularity and modern scientific data collection and conservation initiatives are now regularly supported by community members. Lapis Guides allows research groups, universities, schools and anyone who wishes to generate valuable data through participatory approaches enabled by the development of their own digital field guides, or ‘mini-app’ within the Lapis Guides framework. Users submit locational data when they send photographs or note observations of the items or species of interest. This data is then received on the project server, where data is stored and can be verified by project managers. Once verified, data can then be published and accessed by the public in the field guide.
The team at Lapis Guides has already developed guides on butterflies, birds, and petroglyphs; but these are just a taste of what is possible! The slideshow below will give a better feel for how the platform works and how it can serve your needs and interests. It could be the perfect tool for your research project!
If you think this could be the platform you've been looking to add citizen science capabilities to your project, please write to us.